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The Staff
Khaldunia’s policy is to hire the best and the brightest as teachers. All staff is experienced and regular workshops and training sessions are held as refresher courses. O Level teachers also regularly attend the University of Cambridge examiners’ courses held annually. Our elementary staff undergoes a rigorous summer school training programme conducted by the elementary coordinators.
The school year
The school year corresponding to the international school term runs from late August to June. The two semesters are divided as follows:
1st term: September – December
2nd term: January – June
The School observes a five day week with Saturday and Sunday as holidays. The day commences at 8.30 a.m. and ends at different times for every level – ranging from 1.15 to 3.00 p.m. both summer and winter. Saturdays are normally reserved for meetings of Houses, competitions, rehearsals and matches and teacher training.
Each day is divided into six, seven or in some cases eight periods – according to the age level of the children of 45 minutes each. One break of 30 minutes is observed but these are separate for junior and senior schools. Preparation tasks for the next day are generally meant to be completed in school for the youngest ones although they are set brief tasks on a daily basis. Regular review and written homework is expected to be completed by the senior students for consolidation purposes. As with all other areas of school life, parental support is essential but we strongly urge that you do not resort to tuition – the teachers are available for guidance.
All pupils are expected to behave in a responsible manner and show consideration, courtesy and respect for other people at all times. Khaldunia does not subscribe to enforcing a policy of draconian discipline. However, there are norms of conduct which all students are expected to observe strictly. Late arrival at school or class, unexplained absence or truancy, possession of banned items (such as mobile phones or other electronic gadgets) or incomplete uniform are strongly discouraged and may attract a fine, confiscation of the banned item and/or punishment. However, what is most strongly condemned is lack of respect for the rights of others – this includes any form of verbal or physical violence or infringement of the personal space of others. Such misconduct may result in various forms of punishment – being barred from certain activities or detention after school; more serious offences could result in suspension and in extreme cases, a student may be asked to leave the school.
The Head’s decision will be final in such cases. However, we encourage a positive school ethos, which recognises the contributions of all. Not just academic brilliance is rewarded and celebrated.
Regular attendance is essential for pupils to maintain continuity of learning – a prerequisite of meaningful education. Moreover, promptness, punctuality and developing a sense of responsibility for their own learning are important values to impart to children. We would therefore, strongly discourage unnecessary absence. In any case, written permission before planned holidays and written verification of illness or other important consideration for the cause of absence must be deposited in the office after unplanned breaks. The Head will then approve or disapprove the leave based on the need for it. Make up work or re-tests can be provided for approved leave only. It is the duty of parents to ensure that work done during unapproved leave is obtained from school and the pupil brought abreast of it.
Arrivals And Departures
The school gate can become a traffic mess at drop off and pick up times despite the staggered home time schedule. We observe a strict one-way policy for all school related vehicles during specific morning and afternoon times. Parents are strongly urged to keep these in mind to ensure a safe and smooth pick up and drop off of their children.
There is no formal uniform for the junior most classes at Khaldunia, however we do expect students to be soberly and neatly dressed at all times. Extremes of fashion, as determined by the School, will not be acceptable. Our school uniform for students from the 4th Grade upwards may be obtained from suitable suppliers: Al Rahman Uniforms in the basement of Allied Bank, F-8 Markaz and in G 11 Markaz are our regular suppliers. It is also extremely important that children wear comfortable footwear at all times. We do not restrict students to oxford style shoes but do insist the joggers or canvas shoes be plain and utilitarian rather than flashy. Students form middle school upwards, – 6th grade upwards – should also possess a lab coat and a plastic apron for painting.
Jewelry is restricted to small ear drops/studs, chains hidden inside the dress and a watch. No responsibility is taken for any other items. Money for the canteen should be limited and children should be encouraged to keep track of what they spend and get their change back.
The School observes all gazetted holidays in addition to the normal summer and winter breaks – approximately 9 weeks in summer, 2 weeks in winter and a brief mid -term break at an appropriate time in the spring.
Health Information
Please inform the school of any special health information such as asthma or other known condition. The school will also seek permission from parents regarding first aid care to pupils – e.g. administration of medicines such as panadol or aspirin or the recourse to a local hospital if necessary. Parents should ensure the school has a current emergency contact number at all times.
Please also ensure that while there is a canteen which serves fresh and nutritious food, childen should be encouraged to bring in healthy snacks from home. Please avoid all packaged and processed foods in such cases.
Visitors To School
Parents are welcome to visit the office after making an appointment the day before they wish to meet the Head or Coordinator. Meetings with teachers are held on a termly basis and will require major restructuring of timetables to accomplish otherwise; so please do not insist on the latter.
Behavioural Standards
Parents and teachers are role models for children to emulate. Parents are requested therefore, to observe the cardinal rule of respect for all at all times in front of their children. We expect children to do the same.